(Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm)

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Industry placement students have skills down to a T (Level)

Industry placement students

Companies at a thriving business hub in south Hampshire are benefiting from next-generation insights.

Sixteen students on new national T Level courses are on industry placements at Fareham Innovation Centre.

The technical qualifications, aimed at 16-18-year-olds, provides a mixture of classroom learning and on-the-job experience with a total of 45 days of work experience across the two-year programme.

New business heights for remote flights by Flylogix

Flylogix Plane

It is the only company in the UK with official permission for beyond-visual-line-of-sight operations, providing routine commercial unmanned aviation services.

And, as demand grows for Flylogix’s services, from business-critical monitoring of methane levels at oil and gas platforms in the North Sea to delivering medical supplies, the unmanned aviation specialist is expanding its nerve centre in Hampshire.

CTECH logs on to growth at Fareham Innovation Centre

Stephen Brownlie and John Cole Outside Fareham Innovation Centre

A self-described surfer of coffee shops, John Cole ran his fledgling IT firm from a laptop, hopping on to wi-fi networks to support customers.

The digital nomad soon found that his Hampshire-based business, established three years ago and called CTECH Business Solutions, required a permanent base due to much larger-than-anticipated growth.

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(Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm)